Family saunas are available for your private use with your loved ones. This means that your little ones can also experience the feeling of being in a sauna for themselves.
Neptune bath
The bath of Gods. Your metabolism is boosted, your immune system is strengthened and your body is purified in a gentle manner at a pleasant temperature. The pores open up and skin is cleansed. > 40 - 45°
Tyrolean sauna room
An exceptional sauna experience on your spa holiday. Visiting the Tyrolean sauna room naturally activates the circulation, purifies the body, moisturises the skin and frees up the respiratory tract. Mild, humid heat that raises the temperature make this herbal steam bath extremely pleasant. > 80-90°
Rose quartz- Steam bath
The perfect combination of warmth and humidity forms a tender steam, which gives your body a treat. This comforting warmth is good when you are having a cold, indigestion or rheumatic troubles. The rose quartz, which is also known as the “stone of love”, has a harmonizing and relaxing effect on your soul. While relaxing you can inhale the saline air. > 40 - 45°
Herbal Bath
This is a very gentle and relaxing heat treatment. Thanks to the low temperatures and the moderate humidity this experience is also adequate for people that aren’t used to sauna. The different herbs make it a pleasant experience for your body and your soul. There is an individual alcove for every guest. By emptying the bucket over the sauna-oven the water is sprinkling over the fresh herbs. This ritual creates a relaxing fragrance. > 40 - 45°
In the Roman bath, the temperature is around 30°C, which ensures good blood circulation in the body tissues, relaxes the body, and promotes the healing of minor infections, rheumatism and metabolic diseases.